So for the past couple of months I have been dealing with some health issues. The Monday after I got back from our trip I had already had a dr appointment set up for my yearly check up. My dr was feeling around at my thyroid and said that it felt a little swollen and wanted to get it tested again. They tested it the year before for the same reason and the tests came back normal. That Thursday as I was going in to get an ultrasound on it, they called me and said that I have Hashimoto. This disease is an autoimmune disease where my immune system is attacking my thyroid. They said i may have to be on medication for the rest of my life. I am finding out more and more about it, but it explains a lot about how I have been feeling for the past couple of years. Since I got kidney stones, I think that it kind of set the thyroid disease off worse. So now I think the side effects from the thyroid disease is more intense. Now I am just waiting for my body to get use to the medication and start working. After this they will check my blood levels again and see where I am at and decide from there what to do with my medication.
On the other hand I was still dealing with the kidney stones. For some reason it was taking a really long time for it to pass through. I was still having severe pain throughout some days. About a week & half after we got home I was feeling really severe pain & had taken 2 pills, which is the maximum I can take. Later that night or early morning I was having more pain and took 2 more. The pain wasn't getting any better and sometimes worse. It was close to morning by then and I decided to call my doctor. He told me to come in and get another medication, because they couldn't call that strong of a medication over the phone. I went in with Kyle and got the medication. I was feeling a little bit better, but then I got home and Kyle went to school and it got really bad even after I took the new medication. It turned out they gave me the same drug, just minus the tylenol. I couldn't take it anymore so we went back in to the ER where they did a bunch more tests and stronger drugs. They looked at the pictures they took and wasn't totally sure that it was kidney stones. They were concerned about how long I have had the stone also. They wanted to do more tests to rule out other things. They checked me in and had me stay the night. The next morning I was able to keep something down and I wasn't having anymore pain, so they decided I would be ok to go home. They said if I had pain between then and Monday that I would have to have surgery to get it taken out. I didn't have much pain, but it took me another week to passed the stone. I was so relieve to not have to pee in a strainer anymore. The stone was so little, about the size of a little flake, but I am not kidding you, it had a hook on it! I still had to go back to the doctor for a check up after I passed it. I was still feeling uncomfortable on that side and feeling little spurts of pain. They told me sometimes what happens is that a part of the stone breaks off and stays in there for longer. He told me to come back in a month if I am feeling the same way. He said it is important because sometimes it can cause damage and effect my kidney. It now has been about a month. I have a dr appointment next week. They should just take more pictures of it and decide what to do from there on what they find, if anything.
I feel like I have been through so much and traumatized just a little bit and again I feel so lucky to live where I live.And even though it costs like 10 times more here, I am thankful that I am able to go to such a great hospital where I feel like I am good hands and where they can do so much for me. I am so lucky to have a companion that loves and cares for me so much to help me through it all! AND a mother that I can call whenever I need to take me to the hospital and take care of me when I need her! Looking back I feel so lucky!
Blueberry Overnight Oats
2 days ago