With having Hashimoto I get really tired and sick quite a lot. It is hard for me to concentrate. I knew I couldn't keep it up. So I talked to Kyle and decided to drop a class. My morning class of course, so that I could sleep in. I was so disappointed! I have been so motivated to start school because I want to have more options with work. I am not totally loving my job right now :)
Lately I haven't been feeling the best, but I can still function pretty well for the most part. I have spent a lot of time watching tv with Kyle and looking for new projects to crochet. I have finished one project that I started for myself a couple of years ago. Not sure what I am going to do with it yet. I was thinking of just selling it. I kind of want to make a bunch of afghans and sell them next summer at the farmers market or some event like that. Here is the throw that I finished.

Nakoa, my sister, found a picture of a baby football. I wanted to try making this too. I think the problem I have with this is making them the right size for the right age. Here is what came out of that one.