Blaaah! I haven't written in a while. School started up again and I have been trying to get crocheting stuff ready for Michaela's baby. I haven't had a lot of time to do anything else. The last visit I wrote about I talked to my doctor about eating chocolate over the holiday. He said that he wasn't going to give me permission, but sounded like I will probably eat some anyway. I actually was set on not eating any, but when he said that I had to. :) I had to take my blood test before doing so if I flared up the illness again the results would be on how I was before. So I went in and got a blood test and then that day I hate a little bit of chocolate. (This was a few days before Christmas. ) Then the next day I had a bit more. I was fine both days. On Christmas Eve we went over to Kyle's parent's house and had dinner. I had a little bit of fudge and then some potatoe salad. These were the only two things that I had that was out of the norm. About 20 minutes later I wasn't feeling so good. Diarrhea, sick to my stomach, bad headache, bad anxiety... not good! Parently poops means everything. Haha.. welcome to my world. Sometimes when this happens I wish I had a xanex!
The next day I still wasn't feeling so good. I wanted some more chocolate so I had a bit more. It made me even worse very fast. My anxiety got a lot worse. Feeling so good before and then feeling that bad again made me realize how sick I was before. I have no idea how the heck I even functioned at all. After that I didn't even want to touch to chocolate.
So the next appointment we had was on the 5th. The doctor said that I probably won't be able to each chocolate. But then he said that when I flare it up then sometimes the things I eat after will make it worse or I will be more sensitive. So there might be a chance I can still have it. We just have to figure out what flared it up and made me so sick. He told me to go back on the original diet and then call him the next Monday. I called him that Monday and I was feeling better, but I was going to job interviews that week and noticed that when I get nervous my body goes crazy. When I was leaving the house before an interview one day my body started going crazy. I started getting really sick and I had to go number 2 all of a sudden. It was pretty...haha. I didn't think I was going to make it. I was finally able to calm myself down and I was ok. Since then I have felt a lot better. It took me a while to start feeling better though.
We saw the doctor again last week on Thursday. We got our blood tests back. Since we started I have lost 20 pounds and my A1C (overall blood sugar) has gone down from 6.1 (I think it was) to 5.7. The 6.1 was prediabetic. Nakoa's has gone down as well. When she started she was on medication and at a diabetic range. But now she is off medication and at a 5.7 just as I am! AWESOME!!
Next now that I am feeling better we should be working on the Gastrointestinal tract. Since being diagnosed I have had a lot of gas coming out of both ends.. haha! I have never burped so much in my life. It is a bit embarassing because I can't control it.
Blueberry Overnight Oats
2 days ago